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CBC World Ministry

Focused On The Future

At CBC World Ministry youth Christian development is a priority. Our ministerial team is committed to the spiritual enhancement of our young people through innovative outreach methods.       

Post Millennial Outreach At Home:

Here at CBC we understand the importance of sowing our time, skills, love, and resources into the youth. Our three prong approach: 

  1. Establish Spiritual Relationship With God.
  2. Teach Biblical Principles to Build Self Worth.
  3. Understand God's Divine Life Purpose.

Through these God ordained efforts over the last five years we have been privileged to sponsor each partner graduating high school senior with a $1,000.00 college scholarship to support their educational endeavors.  

Post Millennial Outreach Abroad:

CBC has partnered with New Life Baptist Church of Gainesville, VA. in their commitment to bring holistic ministry to the people of Sierra Leone, Africa. The team of CBC has been blessed to witness and ultimately become a part of the great work being done by Bishop Jones and the New Life church family.  

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